art // ideas // text //

a work in progress

art as action

Sticky post

The purpose of man is in action, not thought. – Thomas Carlyle Shortly after I finished art school, reading Homer’s Iliad and Weary Dunlop’s War Diary, I decided that art meant standing on the sidelines, observing life, rather than being… Continue Reading →

Books I Read in 2023

ReadingBabel – R. F. KuangYou Are Not A Gadget – Jaron Lanier40 000 Weeks – Oliver BurkemanThe Cloisters – Katy HaysTuesday Evenings with the Compton Craft Resistance – Kate SollyEarly Greek Philosophy Vol. 3 (Heraclitus) – Laks & Most (Loeb)… Continue Reading →

Interesting Voices in Educational Technology

danah boyd – social media, youth identity & digital literacy education. Dave Cormier – open education – “rhizomatic learning” Audrey Watters – critical takes on edtech and pedagogy Jim Groom – open education evangelist, does cool stuff with edtech Tony… Continue Reading →

Books I read in 2022

Currently Reading: When You Had Power – Susan Kaye Quinn Watching the Clock (Star Trek: Department of Temporal Investigations) – Christopher L. Bennett Pharaohs of the Sun – Guy de la Bedoyere Read in full: Station Eleven – Emily St… Continue Reading →

Getting Started on Mastodon

Mastodon is easy to use. Just don’t expect it to be a clone of Twitter – it isn’t, and like most software or platforms, you’ll need to take a few moments to get oriented. The big difference between Mastodon and… Continue Reading →

Seven Movies that Made Me

The shortlist, in no particular order: The Wall Koyannisqatsi Wings of Desire Logan’s Run Blade Runner Excalibur A Room With a View Another Country Gattaca One thought as I compile this: there are no good movies about art. There are… Continue Reading →

Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel

I spend a lot of time browsing streaming platforms for Something To Watch – something that resonates in some way; I don’t know quite what I’m looking for, and I generally don’t find it. The cinematic equivalent application of Verve’s… Continue Reading →

Post-Foundational Forgetting

“Another way of putting this would be to say that discourses render the material world meaningful. Objects such as rocks, office buildings or computer systems are not denied material reality. However, if something material is not articulated within a discourse… Continue Reading →


Random PersonalKnowledgeNetwork thoughts (Braindump: in the interests of blogging more frequently, I’m not overworkshopping the literary value)  I decided to give Notion a miss – subscription based if you want syncing, limited export capability. I’m a big fan of maintaining… Continue Reading →

Networking: Tools of the Trade

I’ve just completed a one-semester Networking Fundamentals subject at CSU. To say it was tough would be an understatement, and I’m not optimistic about my exam results. But I loved it, and I’m on a mission to build expertise. I’ve… Continue Reading →

On the Transience of Work

The post linked in this tweet is beautifully written and worth a read in itself, but I want to point out some of the replies: several people comment on the transience of software, and how the code they’ve written is… Continue Reading →

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