art // ideas // text //

a work in progress

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The Shining Streets of London

I’ve been looking for my favorite poem, that I half-learned at school. Here it is, thanks to Corinna The Shining Streets of London by Alfred Noyes Now in the twilight after rain The wet black streets shine out again And… Continue Reading →

art as action

Sticky post

The purpose of man is in action, not thought. – Thomas Carlyle Shortly after I finished art school, reading Homer’s Iliad and Weary Dunlop’s War Diary, I decided that art meant standing on the sidelines, observing life, rather than being… Continue Reading →

Cleanliness, Godliness and ‘Civilization’

I watched an action movie set in an anonymous, war-torn corner of the world, crumbling and dirty; walls not ancient but old and decrepit, the paint not shabby but shitty and ugly. Dead bodies were mostly off the streets but… Continue Reading →

Creativity: Stay on the Bus

A creative friend recently pointed me to Australian artist and videographer, Struthess – Campbell Walker. It’s refreshing to find content in the style and language of my homeland. Like most Aussies, Walker calls it how he sees it, and he’s… Continue Reading →

Teachers and a Poor Student

“Don’t be a teacher” said Mrs Small, “if you want to be an artist”. She played Shostakovich and encouraged us to destroy things. Peter Bishop tut-tutted about the standard of painting in the art school and showed me how to… Continue Reading →

Cohorts, Community and Consensus

The community of practice is enjoying a bit of a moment in educational design. I see it as a kind of pedagogical flipside to the sage on the stage. Etiene Wenger is credited with defining the concept: Being alive as… Continue Reading →

The Sage on the Stage

  The Sage on the Stage is a well-worn trope describing the old-style lecturer delivering content from the podium: a revered actor, deeming to bestow their knowledge upon grateful audience-students. It represents, we are told, everything that is the worst… Continue Reading →

Writing and Power

Burke’s 2008 paper,  Writing Power and Voice: Access To and Participation in Higher Education has been pivotal for me. How my understanding of the issues raised in this paper will translate into practice remains to be seen, but it demands… Continue Reading →

2017: My Stuff

I’ve been watching a documentary called ‘My Stuff’.   Young Finnish filmmaker named Petri Luukkainen. Update, 2023: The mystuffmovie website is now defunct (domain name appears to have been hijacked). Appears to be available on vimeo: If you haven’t seen… Continue Reading →

The Ought Educator

Some of my most interesting insights this session were generated not by my own initiative, but by a student’s questions about Mead’s theory of the social self. We were talking about Mead’s (1934) notion of the social construction of the… Continue Reading →

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