a work in progress

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art as action

Sticky post

The purpose of man is in action, not thought. – Thomas Carlyle Shortly after I finished art school, reading Homer’s Iliad and Weary Dunlop’s War Diary, I decided that art meant standing on the sidelines, observing life, rather than being… Continue Reading →

objects of life and death

  So, one of the key catalysts for my decision to study psychology was an obsession with grave goods. I’ve long been interested in “things”: the physicality of objects, the significance of touch and weight in our perception of the… Continue Reading →

postmodern knitting and the circular narrative

Knitting is such an entrenched, yet malleable metaphor, but for some reason I hadn’t expected to find it pressed into service in  Postmodern literary theory. In “Knitting and Knotting the Narrative Thread-Beloved as Postmodern Novel”, Rafael Perez-Torres considers the postmodernity… Continue Reading →

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